Saturday, 30 March 2013

Instagram Round Up!

Here, as promised, are Diana's Instagram photos from the past week spent in LA.

1. Duty free!
2. Taking full advantage of said duty free.
3. Making everyone back in the UK very jealous.
4. Amazing view.
5. On way to 'set'.
6. Breath-taking desert sunset!
7. Again, making everyone back home jealous. (The Daily Mail wrote an article featuring this photo. Click here.)
8. Looking beautiful with Miu Miu sunglasses!
9. Stunning photo of Diana before heading out.
10. The stunning sisters.
11. Wigs on set for Diana's music video.
12. Diana on set.
13. Finished filming.
14. Diana, Annecka, and Charlotte on the last night in LA.
15. Delicous looking breakfast, where they were sat next to Whoopi Goldberg. (Name-drop!)
Diana is safely back home now, although she is obviously feeling a bit jet-lagged. Feel better soon, Dee! It's Easter, just get some chocolate down ya. 

Thursday, 28 March 2013

We have confirmation from two very reliable sources, that Diana IS currently shooting her music video in LA!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Ghost inside your mind.

This song found its way onto twitter recently, and you can hear Miss Vickers singing at 4:00 and 5:12.
There has been no mention of this track by Diana herself, and no recognition from the band that Diana is singing, which is a bit odd.
But here you go anyway!

Instagram Tuesday?

Little late posting this week.

1. Little tasty muffin.
2. Outfit debating for LA
3. Dinner for 3.
4. 'Cheeky cheeky bum bum.'
5. A 'hefty' steak and chips.

A slightly shorter than normal Instagram round up because as I mentioned above, Diana is currently in LA (!) and I will be posting a round up of all her LA Instagram shots when she is back home.
We don't know exactly why she is in LA, but a set was mentioned yesterday which sounds promising.
(Also, little theory: Diana's album/single is set for release this Summer so surely any video, photoshoot to accompany said album/single would need to have a Summer theme to it. The weather here in England isn't currently very summer-y, snow, freezing cold etc, but LA definitely has sunnier weather.) - That was a bit rambly, sorry - think you get the point though.

Monday, 18 March 2013


1. Purearthcleanse juices.
2. Diana with her juice.
3. Random.
4. Diana with friends.
5. Diana and her friend.
6. Being treated by George.
7. Rice krispie chicken.

Monday, 11 March 2013


1. Tup North
2. Diana back at her old school, wearing an old school blazer.
3. The Daddy mug
4. Diana's lovely sister
5. Looking lovely in her drawinlight dress
6. Sunday Selfie. You can get yourself a pair of those pearl ears HERE
7. Beef Sundae
8. Sunday Funday

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Main Points

I posted about this video ( and said I'd pop the main details on here, just in case you can't watch it (if you're on your phone or what have you.) so here they are.

The new album will be out this year. (Summer time)
She's had a change of direction.
She has been inspired by the 80s, Robyn, Kylie
First single has been chosen and is finishing being mixed
She has had visual meetings about the music video
She has a lot of her own input
She knows for sure what sort of artist she wants to be now (and says the reason she stopped after three singles was because she was confused about what sort of artist she was)

Overall, Diana seems very confident about where things are going.

Things are happening

Diana is back at her old school today (although, has also had to pop into hospital as she's not feeling great - once again, get well soon!) for her gig and to open the school's new music department.

Above is a short video filmed today where Diana reveals some very important points about the upcoming album, single, etc. DEFINITELY worth a watch.
I will be posting a quick post in a bit highlighting the main points if you can't watch it though.

Monday, 4 March 2013


I don't know how quickly people will see this blog post, or how long Diana is planning to do this little Q&A for, but if you head over to her twitter right now she is replying to questions, use the hashtag #askdiana. Go, go, go!


Diana's been poorly this past week so she hasn't been doing a lot of instagramming, but here is what she has posted.

1. Getting hair inspiration from Haim
2. New coat from Boden Clothing
3. Kiki's new friend.
Again, just wanted to say, hoping Diana feels a lot better soon. ☺