Saturday, 30 March 2013

Instagram Round Up!

Here, as promised, are Diana's Instagram photos from the past week spent in LA.

1. Duty free!
2. Taking full advantage of said duty free.
3. Making everyone back in the UK very jealous.
4. Amazing view.
5. On way to 'set'.
6. Breath-taking desert sunset!
7. Again, making everyone back home jealous. (The Daily Mail wrote an article featuring this photo. Click here.)
8. Looking beautiful with Miu Miu sunglasses!
9. Stunning photo of Diana before heading out.
10. The stunning sisters.
11. Wigs on set for Diana's music video.
12. Diana on set.
13. Finished filming.
14. Diana, Annecka, and Charlotte on the last night in LA.
15. Delicous looking breakfast, where they were sat next to Whoopi Goldberg. (Name-drop!)
Diana is safely back home now, although she is obviously feeling a bit jet-lagged. Feel better soon, Dee! It's Easter, just get some chocolate down ya. 

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